About Ronlex Rubber
<% sql="select * from comintro where isshow=1 and id=73" rs.open sql,conn,3,1 if not rs.eof then %> <%=convert_to_html(rs("content"))%> <% end if rs.close %>...[More]
<% dim scriptname scriptname=Request.ServerVariables ("script_name") dim rownum,columnnum,pid,cid sql="select top 8 * from prospec2 where isshow=1 order by ordnum desc" 'response.write(sql) 'response.end rs.open sql,conn,3,1 rownum=2 columnnum=4 if not rs.eof then dim pages,countnum,pagenum,recordnum recordnum=cint(rownum) * cint(columnnum) countnum=rs.recordcount pages=(countnum-1)\recordnum+1 pagenum=request.querystring("pagenum") if pagenum="" or not isnumeric(pagenum) then pagenum=1 pagenum=cint(pagenum) if pagenum>pages then pagenum=pages if pagenum<1 then pagenum=1 for i=1 to (pagenum-1)*recordnum step 1 rs.movenext next for i=1 to rownum step 1 if not rs.eof then %> <% for j=1 to columnnum step 1 if not rs.eof then %> <% rs.movenext else %> <% end if next %> <% end if next %> <% else response.write("") end if rs.close %>
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